1. I am a scuba diver. I never thought I would dive, but had always wanted to ever since I was a little kid watching National Geographic at home. At Wisconsin Lutheran College, my adviser Dr. Anderson, asked me if I would like to be involved with a study that the college does every summer on the coral reefs in Grenada. It was a difficult decision to make (I’d never flown or left the country before at the time) but I decided I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I’ve now left the country multiple times and love diving. I’ve also been to Jamaica.

2. My brother and I once created a giant snowman and named him “Shaquille Snowneil”. He dwarfed us at over 8 feet tall and took a few hours to make using a ladder.

3. I love animals and have had many pets over the years including a dog, parakeets, gerbils, mice, rats, turtles, fish, caterpillars, frogs, spiny mice, and more. Our family also raises butterflies and moths in the summer.

4. I keep a log of advice that I get from musicians over the years, whether they are local or national. The most famous of which was Robin Wilson from “The Gin Blossoms” who told me the most important things is just to “write good songs”.

5. I go birding…a lot and have seen over 200 different species of birds in the state of Wisconsin.